Corina Andres

Master of Science in Physiotherapy (MScn)

After my Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy, I completed a Master's degree at the ZHAW and specialised in paediatric physiotherapy. I looked after the very youngest children in neonatology at Zurich University Hospital and also looked after children of all other age groups at the RgZ Foundation in Horgen. As a paediatric physiotherapist, I help to identify and treat developmental disorders, accompany children with chronic illnesses, instruct parents and support rehabilitation after accidents. 

Bei der Behanldung von Skoliosen wende ich die dreidimensionale Therapie nach Katharina Schroth® an, bei Patienten mit Cystischer Fibrose oder anderen obstruktiven Lungenerkrankungen die Airway Clearance Techniques (ACT) nach Jean Chevallier.


We look forward to seeing you
and your children!

kindermedizin an der oper
Falkenstrasse 25
8008 Zurich

+41 44 527 30 40



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