We are medical specialists with different areas of expertise, qualified nurses, care experts, paediatric physiotherapists and parents ourselves.
How did you earn money as a student?
Vor Beginn des Studiums habe ich drei Monate bei Disneyland Paris gearbeitet und danach war mein bester Nebenjob zugleich mein liebstes Hobby: Über viele Jahre durfte ich im jungen Laienensemble am Schauspiel Frankfurt Theater spielen.
How did you end up in Switzerland?
I met my husband while skiing in the Swiss mountains and then moved here from Luxembourg.
Your best joke?
When two toothpicks meet in the forest and a hedgehog walks past them, one says to the other: "I didn't realise there were buses here.”
Find out more about me, my training and specialisms.
What were your hobbies as a child?
I loved going to scouts and had lots of adventures outdoors. At home, we had a playroom where the four of us sisters spent hours playing Playmobil or dressing up and doing theatre.
What is your favourite children's book?
Doktor Tobis Tierklinik (from Sharon Rentta).
What is your favourite children's film?
Ernest & Célestine: Die Reise ins land der Musik
What are your favourite places in Zurich?
The Unterer Letten river pool, the Käferbergwald forest and the Pestalozzi Library Schütze.
Find out more about me, my training and specialisms.
Ab Dezember 2024
Find out more about me, my training and specialisms.
Which cuddly toy would accompany me on a visit as a patient in paediatric medicine and encourage me?
Johanna - my cuddly elephant that I rescued from the furniture store with my grandad when I was a child.
What have been your favourite hiking trails in Switzerland so far?
During my practical year, I spent 4 months in Sursee Hospital in the surgery department. When we weren't in the operating theatre, it was time to put on our hiking boots. My favourites: The 4-Seen- hike and the hike around the Glattalpsee.
Last but not least, a quick round of questions:
- Ski or snowboard?
If I could, I would ski every day.
- Hawaii or Antarctica?
Antarctica because of the penguins.
- Fruit or vegetables?
Obst ist mein Kaffee, ohne Obst nichts los.
Find out more about me, my training and specialisms.
Was ich als Kind immer werden wollte?
Von Kindergärtnerin, Sängerin über Archäologin war alles mit dabei. Heute habe ich mit Kinderärztin meinen Traumberuf gefunden.
Mein Lieblingskinderbuch?
Momo (von Michael Ende), welches mir vorgelesen wurde. Ich selbst habe oft bis lange nach Schlafenszeit mit der Taschenlampe unter der Bettdecke gelesen, aber pssst!
Wenn ich eine Zauberkraft hätte, welche wäre es?
Definitiv Teleportation! So könnte ich mich in weit entfernte Länder beamen, zu den Dinosauriern reisen, Kinder in ihre Phantasiewelt schicken – oder mir auch einfach blitzschnell einen Kaffee holen, wenn der Tag besonders hektisch ist.
Find out more about me, my training and specialisms.
I am a nursing expert and have gained my professional experience in various hospitals. Most recently, I worked at the Paediatric Skin Centre at the University Children's Hospital in Zurich for 9 years.
My particular expertise lies in the area of "all aspects of children's skin". From atopic dermatitis to wounds - in my consultation hours I advise children, adolescents and their families on all aspects of "skin and wounds”.
What is your favourite time of day?
When the sun is at its best before it disappears.
What's always in your fridge?
Something to toast and fresh salad, preferably "Nüsslisalat".
If you were a piece of furniture, what would it look like?I would be a cosy pink velvet armchair, a wonderful place to read and unwind.
Find out more about me, my training and specialisms.
My favourite children's game:
Halli Galli
I can't do that at all:
Drawing animals
My favourite season:
Summer!!! It can't be warm enough
My favourite childhood memory:
Travelling to South Africa with my parents to visit family and admire the beautiful culture, landscape and spirit of the people of South Africa.
Find out more about me, my training and specialisms.
I completed my training as a qualified nursing specialist specialising in KJFF (child, adolescent, family, woman) at Zurich University Hospital.
After completing my training, I worked in the neonatology IMC department for 5 years. During these 5 years I was able to deepen my knowledge of premature and newborn care. I can also advise you on the following topics: breastfeeding, kinaesthetic infant handling and the use of carring aids.
I look forward to advising and looking after you as a family in Kindermedizin.
I completed my training as a qualified nurse KJFF (child, adolescent, family, woman) at the Ostschweizer children's hospital.
I was able to gain a lot of experience in the maternity ward, where I looked after mothers and their newborns at the Hirslanden Clinic until the end of 2017. I can advise and guide you on the following topics: kinaesthetics infant handling (development of the infant's movement skills as part of care), crooked neck and plagiocephalus (flattened skull due to positioning) prophylaxis, use of carring aids, breastfeeding and infant care.
It is important to me to treat my patients, big and small, with love and warmth.
Welche Sportarten hast du als Kind gemacht?
Alles mögliche. Ich habe vor allem Tennis, Ballett und Schwimmen gemacht. Natürlich darf Skifahren nicht fehlen.
Welches sind deine Lieblingsorte in der Schweiz?
Am liebsten gehe ich in die Walliser Alpen oder nach Lugano zum See.
Wo kann man am besten Ferien machen?
Am liebsten an einer Mittelmeerküste aber Hauptsache es ist schön warm.
Was war dein Traumberuf als Kind?
Ich wollte Prinzessin werden; hat nicht geklappt.
Wenn du eine neue Fähigkeit oder ein neues Hobby erlernen könntest, was wäre das?
Ich möchte seit Jahren richtig lernen, Gitarre zu spielen, mit Kindern zu Hause, die einem alles abverlangen, ist das momentan aber noch Wunschdenken.
Wenn du eine Superkraft haben könntest, welche wäre das?
Gilt denn Mama-sein nicht schon als Superkraft?
Was war das Mutigste, dass du jemals getan hast?
Ganz klar: in der Badi vom 3-Meter-Turm springen!
Find out more about me, my training and specialisms.
Was mag die Gesellschaft an dir?
Ich bin eine humorvolle, freundliche Person. Ich setze mich für alles ein, was viele zu schätzen wissen!
Was wäre deine Superkraft, wenn du eine haben darfst?
Definitiv keine Gedanken lesen zu dürfen, aber dafür eine Heilungskraft, womit ich jedem helfen darf.
Find out more about me, my training and specialisms.
Ab Oktober 2024
We only use masculine or feminine forms on our website to improve readability, but we do not wish to discriminate against anyone and our wording includes everyone.